Sunday, 31 July 2011

I'm alive in the DEAD SEA!

In this high-technology era, we can see there are more than 50 different Dead Sea health and beauty products have production facilities operating in the region today. For examples, Dead Sea mineral-based shampoos, conditioners and anti-dandruff treatments, foot creams, sun screens, skin toners, and astringents.
You may have heard that the benefits of Dead Sea products, but what you may not know is, there is a high concentration of minerals in these natural products that makes them so effective at healing and beautifying skin.

What is Dead Sea?

It's called the Dead Sea because nothing lives in it. The salts found in the Dead Sea are mineral salts, just like any other ocean but it is almost six to seven times more salty than an ocean! Because of such high salt content, fish or any other water living creature can’t survive in it.

Why Dead Sea is salty??

As you can see from the map above, the Dead Sea is completely landlocked. It gets its supply of water from the rivers (mainly river Jordan) and streams flowing down the mountains surrounding it. No rivers drain out of the Dead Sea- the only way water gets out of the sea is through evaporation. When the water evaporates, it leaves behind all the dissolved minerals in the sea, thus increasing the salt concentration and making it saltier.  

Composition of  Dead Sea

Composition of dead sea water

Calcium sulfate 0.70
Magnesium bromide 0.90 
Magnesium chloride 12.30 
Calcium chloride 3.46 
Natrium chloride 8.55
Potassium chloride 1.07
Chemical compositions of dead sea water (mg/l)
Chloride 212,400.0
Bromide 5,120.0
Bicarbonate 220.0
Sulfate 470.0
Natrium 39,150.0
Potassium 7,260.0
Calcium 16,860.0
Magnesium 40,650.0

What are dead sea minerals and why you should care?
The Dead Sea contains some 45,000 million tons of salts rich in minerals - The Dead Sea Minerals.  The compound is refined through solar radiation which neutralizes the sodium chloride (that sinks to the bottom) and leaves the rich compound on the evaporation pool bed. The Dead Sea contains 26 life-essential minerals, twelve of which do not exist in any other sea or ocean in the world.
Some are known to have unique qualities, for instance giving a feeling of relaxation, nourishing the skin, activating the blood systems, healing rheumatic diseases and metabolic disorders. In addition, the natural minerals are essential for correct functioning of the human body and the different skin layers.
  • Sodium: Sodium ions remove skin scales and improve its permeability. 
  • Magnesium:  Essential for cell metabolism.
  • Potassium: Improves the oxidation and regulates the electrical process of the muscles and the nervous system.
  • Bromide: Bromide concentration in Dead Sea Salts is 50 times higher than common salts, thus contributing to their very relaxing effect.
  • Calcium: Necessary in strengthening cell membranes and cleansing the pores. 
  • Zinc: plays a role in enzymatic regulation of cell proliferation.
  • Sulfur:  helps to kill bacteria and cleanses the blood. It also allows forming of a new layer of cells.
  • Phosphorus: participates in protein production. Therefore it is essential for creation of new cells.
  • Lithium: relieves skin diseases such as psoriasis, helps to prolong cell life and maintains the nervous system health in the long-term.
  • Boron: helps to channel the hormone functions in the skin, particularly estrogen and testosterone. A boron deficiency weakens the cell membranes. 
  • Strontium: It has effective properties for prevention of itchiness, reduces signs of skin irritations and inflammation. 
  • Manganese: It participates in the natural process of neutralization of oxidants in the skin (antioxidants) and protects the cells from injury.

Is It Deadly For Human Beings Also?

The answer is No. What is interesting is the fact that you can float in this water! Because of extremely high salt concentration (31.5% higher than normal density1.24 kg/l), the water is much more denser, so that our bodies can float on water. You won’t sink even though if you can’t swim.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Colourful food - Appealing but HARMFUL!

 Colourful sweets is always tempting.

We often go for something more interesting and attractive rather than something which is dull and not so appealing. The same happens when it comes to food as well. Colourful foods are the first choice of mankind but did you know that often food colouring is added to make what you eat so colourful?

Food colour
Any digestible substance added to food or drink in order to change its colour is known as food colour. Food colours are used both commercially as well as in domestic cooking.
Why is food colours used?
Manufacturers add food colours to their products to affect the perceived flavour their products, as people associate certain flavours with certain colours. Most times the reason for adding food colours is to make it seem natural to the consumer.
Most people think only processed food contain food colours but did you know even fruits like apples have artificial food colouring added to it to make it look more appealing.
It’s harmful because...
Some food colours can cause allergic reactions in certain people. Some foods can be very harmful to pregnant women, children and people with high blood pressure.
Did you know that most white breads contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)? It is thought that eating a lot of this may be connected to rising obesity rates, heart diseases and diabetes.
Examples of food colourings:
1) E102 Tartrazine

Tartrazine is a yellow synthetic azo dye, and is responsible for a large number of allergic reactions including migraine, blurred vision, itching, rhinitis and skin blotching. Asthmatics and aspirin intolerant sufferers appear to be particularly at risk. Tests have shown that in large doses, tartrazine will raise the plasma histamine levels of healthy adults. There is a suspected link between hyperactivity in children and tartrazine.

Typical products include fizzy drinks, fruit squash and other commercially made beverages, puddings, cakes, sauces, soups, sweets, jelly, ice cream, jams, lemon and honey products and many other convenience foods. 
Other names:
5-Hydroxy-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-4-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid
2) E120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines

Cochineal is a natural red colour obtained by crushing of the female Dactilopius coccus, a cactus-dwelling insect indigenous to Central America. The dye is expensive due to the sheer quantity of shells required to produce a small amount. Alcoholic drinks may contain the water soluble form (ammonium carmine), but the insoluble calcium carmine is found in a many more products.

Typical products include alcoholic beverages, dyed cheeses, puddings, icings, sweets, sauces, fizzy drinks, cakes, soups and pie fillings. 
Chemical formula: C22H20O13

3) E170 Calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate occurs naturally and may be used in wine as an acidity regulator, as well as a firming agent for preserved fruit and vegetables. The most common form of calcium carbonate is limestone. Other forms include chalk, marble, corals and calcite. Limestone is a major building material as quick lime (CaO) and slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) are derived from it. Specially precipitated CaCO3 is extensively used in the paper industry as it adds brightness, opacity, ink receptivity and smoothness to the finished product. Calcium carbonate is also used as filler in rubbers, latex, paints and enamels, and in plastics, as well as finding use as a mild abrasive in toothpastes and an antacid. High levels of ingestion may result in flatulence, constipation, haemmorrhoids and bleeding anal fissures. 

Typical products include tinned fruit and vegetables, wine, vitamin supplements, bread, cakes and other flour products.
Other names: limestone, marble, calcite, chalk
Molecular formula: CaCO3
Other information: Dust may cause irritation

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Let's DISCOVER more about CHEMISTRY :D

While you are tired of looking through the articles with bunch of IUPAC name, you can click on the video and have a look :D
Besides that, you can try out experiment too!
It's simple and cost-saving. 

1st Experiment (BOUNCY EGG)
Do You Know Why ? 
Let me explain it !
At first, the eggs with shells was soaking into vinegar, however, the vinegar will do the work of removing the shells it will actually dissolve the eggshell. This happens because vinegar contains an acid called acetic acid which reacts with the high calcium content of the eggshell. The acid caused the shell material to breakdown into two different materials. One is carbon dioxide bubbles that were released into the air. The other material is lime. The lime remains in the solution. Besides, the appearance of the shell changes as a result of this chemical reaction. This is a fairly common process.It happens in nature a lot for example it creating limestone caves.  

2nd Experiment (Milky Magica)

3rd Experiment (Glowing Water)

Try it yourself at home now!